Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sino-Story 5: Fashion in China

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Mainland China may not be your first association with high fashion, however the availability of internationally and domestically produced luxury goods has recently become a predictable by-product of China’s economic development. Boheme, a Hangzhou based fashion line, recently began making a buzz both domestically (in China) and internationally. This clothing line was launched by designer Guo Bao Bao, who is well known in China as being one of the competitors in a domestically produced TV reality-show similar to America’s “Project Runway”. Guo Bao Bao was one a few designers presenting his work at the recent 7th Shanghai Textile and Apparel Trade Fair, and I was fortunate enough to join with a team of photographers and videographers to document the event.

During this week of fashion in Shanghai, Boheme was one of many clothing lines featured in an international design expo, which included both Western and Asian labels. Bao Bao was busy setting his expo booth, checking the clothing for the runway show, as well as giving interviews to reporters and a documentary team who were producing video stories about the rise of Boheme in China. Bao Bao appeared not to stop for rest during the entire week, but as Chinese culture dictates he did find time to enjoy several meals with his hardworking team.

Boheme is a relatively new fashion label, but is representative of the rapidly changing culture in China. The social-economic gap between rich and poor in China is ever growing, yet the Chinese government continues efforts to raise the quality of life for everyone in the country. As Boheme reaches for success, so do the migrants, office workers, and average citizens of the Chinese population. To imagine this country, where just a few decades ago Communist ideals focused on equality of the masses and the abolishment of the bourgeoisie can now have it’s own home grown fashion labels and growing class of wealthy elite – it truly is quite an incredible story. (John F Rash / RASHPHOTO / 叶摄)

©2010 John F Rash

 [Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/15sㅣf3.5 ㅣISO 320ㅣ4.9mm]

©2010 John F Rash 

[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/30sㅣf3.5 ㅣISO 200ㅣ4.9mm]

©2010 John F Rash

[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/20sㅣf3.5 ㅣISO 200ㅣ4.9mm]

©2010 John F Rash
[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/90sㅣf3.5 ㅣISO 80ㅣ4.9mm]

©2010 John F Rash

[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/15sㅣf3.5 ㅣISO 320ㅣ4.9mm]

©2010 John F Rash
[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/45sㅣf3.5 ㅣISO 160ㅣ4.9mm]

©2010 John F Rash
[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/20sㅣf5.5 ㅣISO 320ㅣ10.4mm]

©2010 John F Rash
[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/60sㅣf5.9 ㅣISO 200ㅣ22.5mm]

©2010 John F Rash
[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/20sㅣf5.9 ㅣISO 240ㅣ22.5mm]

©2010 John F Rash
[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/20sㅣf5.4 ㅣISO 320ㅣ18.7mm]

©2010 John F Rash
[Samsung ST550(TL225) 1/15sㅣf3.5 ㅣISO 320ㅣ4.9mm]

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