Monday, December 6, 2010

Tommy&Tiky: FAQ – Samsung HMX-S16 UV Filter

Samsung HMX-S16 – a perfect match with a wide variety of accessories
One of the most frequently asked questions among first time users of camcorders concerns are about the filter size and how to use it. In general, you can still get good quality video even without (using) a filter. However, if you want to protect your lens and tailor the shots to the style that you are looking for, you can take advantage of various filters. And thus today’s tip – how to use the major three filters of (the Samsung HMX-S16) MC Protector Filter (UV filter), CPL Filter and ND Filter.

1. MC Protector Filter (MC UV Filter)
The UV Filter was originally developed to block UV rays and the Protector Filter was used to solely protect the lens, they are now widely used to protect either camera or camcorder lenses. However, the word ‘MC’ deserves attention. MC is an abbreviation of ‘Multiple Coating’, which refers to the lens having a filter on not only the front but also on the back. Compared to typical UV filters or protector filters with only one side coated, image quality is much higher, allowing you to take much better image. If possible, try out a filter with MC label. (!)

2. CPL Filter
This is the ‘polarizing light filter’. There are two main types: 1) PL filter, which is the normal filter, and 2) CPL round-type. Today, CPL is mostly used. The difference between the two is as simple as this: CPL filter is designed to resolve the AF error created when a camcorder or camera that supports AF uses a PL filter.
The main purpose of CPL filter is to reduce the reflected light of the subject during filming. For example, when you are trying to film fish in water, and the refraction of light off the water blocks the fish underneath. The CPL filter is very effective at addressing this issue. Please take a look at this video of a PC monitor. The CPL filter is being used and look at how well it controls the light refractions.

The second is to reduce the colors lost from brightly color objects such as the sky , flowers and the ocean. Let’s take a look at the following pictures.

Before CPL filter use (left) vs. after (right)
If you uses the CPL filter as shown here, you can capture the sea and the sky with more vivid colors! :)

Pictures with CPL filter
Have you ever envied nature photos that portray magnificent colors? Most of these works rely on filters like the ones we are looking at today – not many are ‘pure’ work (works). You can also use programs such as Photoshop, but they still give a more ‘artificial’ feel to the images then when using a filter. Try out a CPL filter if you have a chance, you’ll find that your images are more vivid then you ever imagined! ;’>

3.ND Filter

The ND filter is aimed at reducing the amount of light. On a bright day it is common to have your camera over exposed if your not using a ND filter. To solve this, you have to close down the aperture. But in that case, you have to give up ‘outfocusing’, which is a very popular style these days. Using the ND filter (let’s you have the aperture open, letting you have a greater range of focus in your foreground and background.
To make matters worse, camcorders almost always need an ND Filter as exposure is difficult to adjust due to their slower shutter speed compared to cameras. So regardless of outfocusing, make sure to use ND filter for a more balanced image.
If you have not used a filter for a long time or it’s your first-time, it may feel like a big hassle, but if you can master how the filters work, you will be able to obtain much more balanced images. Remember what I’ve said and your bound to get great shots and have fun filming.

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